
Loving God, Loving



Thirty-three years ago the Lord gave us a course we now call Married for Life. And, although through the passing years that course has changed some in length and content, the life-giving principals that He imparted to us in 1983 have never changed. They are as alive and powerful today as when that first group of seven couples met in a home and embarked on that first adventure with Him. We have seen millions of marriages transformed around the world

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Marriage Preparation

The Lord was asking us to increase our scope and broaden our mission. Reaching couples after marriage was not soon enough. We needed to impart God’s covenant plan before marriage and so ONE was created. This premarital prep course walks couples through the steps necessary to both leave and cleave as they enter into marriage covenant. ONE does not concentrate so much on personalities and lifestyles as it does on destiny and generational transfer.

Parenting Needs prayer.

people in the service

Married for Life has not addressed many topics that are essential for family life. We have recognized that the significant changes occurring in marriages do not always transfer to the children. A strong home is not solely based on a man and a woman. For your home to truly be a beacon for the neighborhood, the entire family must know how to be strong in the power of the Lord. We knew that the next course that should be introduced had to be about parenting, and that’s how Parenting for Life came into existence.

Marriages in today’s world face the same challenges as before but life is increasingly more complicated by technology, social media, and the constant challenges of insufficient time. We are currently developing new ways to reach couples in today’s busy world. Over the next few months we are going to be rolling out video-based courses that will transcend geography and increase accessibility as well as other mobile resources to keep encouragement and learning at your fingertips. We’ve heard you and we’re changing to meet your needs.

Times Change

2=1 South Africa


What We Believe

As couples in churches begin to understand and walk in the power of marriage covenant,

  • marriages become more stable
  • divorce is no longer an option
  • children grow and mature in homes secure in covenant faithfulness
  • counseling loads diminish
  • outreach and ministry increase as couples with vision and purpose desire to fulfill God’s mission for them
  • homes filled with peace and power reach out to neighbourhoods and the community

What we ask of pastors…

  • Faith that God can work in the very worst marriage and family situations.
  • A willingness to release couples to fulfill their vision and mission.
  • All of our materials are taught by trained and certified 2=1 Group Leaders from many denominations.
  • We can train couples in your church.

Transformation in Churches

As couples in churches begin to understand and walk in the power of marriage covenant,

Married for Life has not addressed many topics that are essential for family life. We have recognized that the significant changes occurring in marriages do not always transfer to the children. A strong home is not solely based on a man and a woman. For your home to truly be a beacon for the neighborhood, the entire family must know how to be strong in the power of the Lord. We knew that the next course that should be introduced had to be about parenting, and that’s how Parenting for Life came into existence.

'As marriages grow strong, families grow strong. As families grow strong, a nation changes.'
Mike and Marilyn Phillips

Transformation in Homes


God established the marriage of a man and a woman as the basis for family.
Families are only as strong as the foundation upon which they are built.


Our Core Values

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Everything we do must point people to the Lordship of Jesus

  • The truth of God’s Word leads people to the One who is Truth
  • Our goal is to deepen people’s relationship with Jesus, not make them dependent upon us
  • See people and situations as Jesus does, through eyes of faith
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Powerhouse homes flow in the power of the Holy Spirit

  • After believers are born-again, there is a second, distinct experience in which the Holy Spirit empowers believers (Acts 1:8)
  • The power of the Holy Spirit changes the believer from within (Fruit of the Spirit) and flows out through the believer (Gifts of the Spirit)
  • Lasting change comes spiritually, not intellectually
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Marriage is a covenant relationship

  • Marriage between a man and a woman reflects the covenant relationship between Jesus and the Church
  • Each covenant partner agrees to be faithful no matter what the other one does
  • Faithfulness is unconditional
  • The covenant is until death

Need Prayer? We’ll Pray For You!

God established the marriage of a man and a woman as the basis for family.